woensdag 13 mei 2009

Episode 0005: Interview with with Marc Thibault pt 2, verifying use cases

Continuing the interview with Marc Thibault he explains in part 2.

* Gathering requirements in a unstructured environment (0:40);
* Is a BA and advisor to the business (4:50);
* Verifying use cases with user stakeholders (6:00)
* Walking through storyboards (7:45)
* Verifying subsystem co-operative requirements (8:45)
* Automated vs auditory use cases (9:50)
* Ending (12:00)

Duration: 13mins 39secs
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vrijdag 8 mei 2009

Episode 004: Doug Goldberg reveals unit testing part 1 of 2

This is an conversation with Doug Goldberg about Functional Tests.

* Doug enlightens us about various test methodologys;
* Bridging the divide between test analyst, business analyst and end users;
* How to involve the test team in your BA project;
* The how of User Acceptance Tests (UAT);
* We go on to discuss the usage of Test Cases, and how they are created;
* Doug explains when to involve testers;

Duration: 25 minutes
Download: download
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dinsdag 5 mei 2009

Episode 003: Talking to Jen Fox about requirements management part 1 of 3

Episode 003: Requirements management introduction with Jen Fox of Shining Wave Consulting LLC

In this interview the focus is on requirements management.

* Defining the qord requirements as applicable to BA's;
* Enlightening us on which stakeholder requires what requirements;
* Explaining what (non)functional requirements are;
* The need of techie talk for BA's and PMs.

Duration: 20 minute
Download: download

Episode 002: use Cases, storyboarding, role of BA, interview with Marc Thibault part 1

Episode 002:interview with Marc Thibault.

In this episode Marc Thibault shares experiences about project sponsors, the use of Sotryboarding and genereal role of a BA in projects.

* Whats the use of a Business Analyst?
* How to make a Use Case.
* What is storyboarding?
* Who does the BA work for: user or developers?

Duration: 15 minute
Download: download