dinsdag 30 maart 2010

Episode 22: Laura Brandenburg across the gap

This is the second of interview with Laura Brandenburg of http://www.bridging-the-gap.com/

EXCUSE for terrible sound poppping.

Time / Topic
1:25 Effective IT communcation
5:01 How not to get steamrollered by fellow team members
6:20 Taking control instead of becoming a victim.
9:28 Combined BA and PM in one role.
12:23 Blogging about your own real life experience
13:30 Reading recommendations
16:00 Functional BA vs Enterprise BA. Differences?
18:00 Stepping up to Senior BA level
22:00 Competitive intelligence

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CONTACT Laura: http://www.bridging-the-gap.com/
Mail The Business Analyst Podcast: thebapodcast@gmail.com

Twitter logo http://twitter.com/bapodcast

http://linkedin.com http://linkedin.com/in/MichielErasmus

Duration: 26mins 30 seconds
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zaterdag 13 maart 2010

Episode 21: Laura Brandenburg bridges the gap

This is part One of a two-part interview with Laura Brandenburg of http://www.bridging-the-gap.com/

Time / Topic
1:30 Howto podcast interviewing via Skype.
2:20 Laura introduces her blog and website at http://www.bridging-the-gap.com/
4:00 Blogging as a marketing tool for yourself.
7:00 Legitimate ways of getting contact with enior Business Analysts.
7:50 Laura reveals career career progress from Philosophy to "glorified data entry".
9:30 Aquiring Business Analyss skills from a developer background.
12:45 Starting a Business Analyst Career book publication.
14:00 BA vacancies requires BA Experience. Exploit oppertunities!
15:30 Examining job specs as guideline for gaining experience.
16:45 How long does it take to become a BA?
17:00 Communication skills for techical software developers.
19:15 Introducing leadership through communication.
21:00 Achieving success by helping your team.
23:00 Advancing your career being considerate of your team.
26:15 Empathy as leadership.
27:15 Building trust, in a new job environment.

CONTACT Laura: http://www.bridging-the-gap.com/
CONTACT The Business Analyst Podcast: thebapodcast@gmail.com

Twitter logo http://twitter.com/bapodcast

http://linkedin.com http://linkedin.com/in/MichielErasmus

Duration: 32mins 01 seconds
Download: download
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