vrijdag 19 november 2010

Episode 31: Kevin Brennan talks IIBA

Talking with vice president of the IIBA, Kevin Brennan about the IIBA

= Afrikaans ==
Dit is 'n gesprek met Kevin Brennan

Time / Topic
01:30 IIBA competence model
04:11 Gaining experience as a junior BA
05:38 Introducing the IIBA
07:18 BA book of knowledge
08:34 Competencies described in the BABOK
10:36 The value of a Business Analyst
12:22 Requirements analysis errors research by IIBA professionals
14:30 Business savvy BA

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CONTACT Kevin Brennan @IIBA: http://ca.linkedin.com/in/kevinbrennan
Mail The Business Analyst Podcast: thebapodcast@gmail.com
Duration: 17mins 49 seconds
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vrijdag 5 november 2010

Episode 30: Design patterns for Business Analysis

Talking about Design patterns for Business Analysis

= Afrikaans ==
Dit is 'n gesprek met Geri Schneider.

Time / Topic
0:30 Where do you encounter design patterns 
1:30 Learn how to learn
3:20 How to approach things as a starting point
4:20 Getting a headstart in Business Analysis
7:30 A new approach to your BA career
9:10 Learning is to evolve
11:50 Storyboarding for n00bs

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CONTACT Geri Scheinder: http://www.wyyzzk.com/
Mail The Business Analyst Podcast: thebapodcast@gmail.com
Duration: 14mins 34 seconds
Download: download
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vrijdag 27 augustus 2010

TheBAPodcast 29 Speccing a Use Case with Joe Newbert

Speccing a use case with Joe Newbert.

= Afrikaans ==
Dit is 'n gesprek met Joe Newbert in Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika.

Time / Topic
01:10 A buildable use case
02:30 Whats a Spec?
05:30 Is the BA writing specs?
07:15 Lets get outta here!

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CONTACT Joe: http://www.joenewbert.com/
CONTACT The Business Analyst Podcast: thebapodcast@gmail.com
Twitter logo http://twitter.com/bapodcast

Duration: 09mins 15 seconds
Download: download
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zaterdag 17 juli 2010

Episode 28: Recruiting for a Business Analyst

This is the second part of a my interview with Barbara Davis at http://www.e2consultinginc.com/

Time / Topic
01:15 Interviewing a BA for a job
04:10 How to make a thousand foot overview documentation for business users
05:45 Learning from the best is from a mentor
07:33 Resource management in BA terms
10:12 Best way to learn about BA work

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CONTACT Barbara: http://www.e2consultinginc.com
CONTACT The Business Analyst Podcast: thebapodcast@gmail.com
Duration: 16mins 14 seconds
Download: download
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zaterdag 10 juli 2010

Episode 27: Geri Schneider talks Software engineering for BAs

Interview with Geri Schneider who run the site http://www.resourcesforbusinessanalysts.com/

Time / Topic
01:30 Work experience in Ethiopia
02:10 Software engineer becomes sales support engineer
04:35 The business need as trigger for BA
05:10 People skills for Software Developers
08:05 Geri's Book Applying use cases a practical guide
09:15 Firsthand experience with the inventor of Use Cases
10:10 Tteaching Use cases  real handson

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CONTACT Geri Scheinder: http://www.wyyzzk.com/
Mail The Business Analyst Podcast: thebapodcast@gmail.com
Duration: 14mins 15 seconds
Download: download
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maandag 31 mei 2010

Episode 26: Gebruikers acceptatie testen door Eric Lopes Cardoso

Going Dutch again for the second interview with Eric Lopes Cardoso of empulsys.com in The Netherlands.

The interview is in Nederlands for our listeners in both South Africa and Benelux.

Time / Topic
01:04 Gebruikers acceptatie testing
01:49 Systeem test via use cases
02:53 Testen als simulator
03:45 Ketentesten
04:35 Branche specifiek ervaring - pensioen en verzekering?
07:24 Project teams begeleiden
09:00 meten en onderzoeken waarom Agile soms niet goed gaat
09:50 Rational tooling

RATE the podcast (opens Linkedin Polls)

CONTACT Eric Lopes Cardoso: http://empulsys.com
Mail The Business Analyst Podcast: thebapodcast@gmail.com

Twitter logo http://twitter.com/bapodcast

http://linkedin.com http://linkedin.com/in/MichielErasmus

Duration: 14mins 01 seconds
Download: download
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woensdag 26 mei 2010

Episode 25: Conflict resolution, mentoring by Barbara Davis

This is the first part of a my interview with Barbara Davis at http://www.e2consultinginc.com/

Time / Topic
01:04 Introducing my guest
03:25 Where did your BA career start?
05:15 Introducing conflict resolution in project teams
06:45 The meaning of assertiveness
07:19 Learning to say no to stakeholders
07:50 Requirements management in a 2-man company vs big corporate environment.
08:21 Organizing and structuring requirements on your network hard disk
11:00 Managing that "5,000 page requirements document"? You must be kiddin' me.
11:40 Enlightening realizations in your career
13:05 Horrible happenings is learning experiences
14:00 Asking for feedback from your team
14:50 Who was your BA mentor?
16:10 gaining a head start from a mentor
17:10 Don’t recruit fractures from college
18:15 Sharing experiences, helping one another. There's plenty for everyone!
19:00 Learning how to contribute back
19:40 How do you pick your mentor?
20:45 Advice on networking with previous mentors
22:10 University course for BAs
22:40 BA's struggles without CRRSP!

RATE the podcast (opens Linkedin Polls)

CONTACT Barbara: http://www.e2consultinginc.com
CONTACT The Business Analyst Podcast: thebapodcast@gmail.com

Twitter logo http://twitter.com/bapodcast

http://linkedin.com http://linkedin.com/in/MichielErasmus

Duration: 32mins 01 seconds
Download: download
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dinsdag 18 mei 2010

Episode 24: SCRUM, mentoring, RUP met Eric Lopes Cardozo

Going Dutch with Eric Lopes Cardoso of empulsys.com in The Netherlands.

The interview is in Nederlands for our listeners in both South Africa and Benelux.

Time / Topic
1:27 Vertel iets over jezelf bij empulsys.com
2:45 Introduceren concept coaching
4:00 Hoe gaat jullie teams mentoren?
4:58 mentor doet het voor als methode voor mentoring
6:30 Ontwikkel jezelf naar een functionele niveau
8:00 Hypnose en NLP als communicatie hulpmiddel
8:50 Het Rational User Group van Nederland
11:00 IT kennis in het Nederlands voor Nederlanders
12:25 Wat is volgens jou de definitie van niet-functionele eisen?
14:24 Kwalificerende beschrijvende woorden
15:30 Whitepaper iteratie planning
16:26 Betrek je team!
17:39 Overstappen van waterval naar iteratief ontwikkelen
20:50 SCRUM vs RUP
23:00 Praktijk van SCRUM

BUY the book Starting a Business Analyst Career.
RATE the podcast (opens Linkedin Polls)

CONTACT Eric Lopes Cardoso: http://empulsys.com
Mail The Business Analyst Podcast: thebapodcast@gmail.com

Twitter logo http://twitter.com/bapodcast

http://linkedin.com http://linkedin.com/in/MichielErasmus

Duration: 27mins 24 seconds
Download: download
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woensdag 5 mei 2010

Episode 23: Amitava Banerjee from India


Today is a short conversation with Amitava Banerjee reaching out from India!

EXCUSE for terrible sound poppping.


BUY the book Starting a Business Analyst Career.
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CONTACT Amitava Banerjee at amitava1981@gmail.com
Mail The Business Analyst Podcast: thebapodcast@gmail.com

Twitter logo http://twitter.com/bapodcast

http://linkedin.com http://linkedin.com/in/MichielErasmus

Duration: 23mins 14 seconds
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dinsdag 30 maart 2010

Episode 22: Laura Brandenburg across the gap

This is the second of interview with Laura Brandenburg of http://www.bridging-the-gap.com/

EXCUSE for terrible sound poppping.

Time / Topic
1:25 Effective IT communcation
5:01 How not to get steamrollered by fellow team members
6:20 Taking control instead of becoming a victim.
9:28 Combined BA and PM in one role.
12:23 Blogging about your own real life experience
13:30 Reading recommendations
16:00 Functional BA vs Enterprise BA. Differences?
18:00 Stepping up to Senior BA level
22:00 Competitive intelligence

BUY the book Starting a Business Analyst Career.
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CONTACT Laura: http://www.bridging-the-gap.com/
Mail The Business Analyst Podcast: thebapodcast@gmail.com

Twitter logo http://twitter.com/bapodcast

http://linkedin.com http://linkedin.com/in/MichielErasmus

Duration: 26mins 30 seconds
Download: download
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