woensdag 26 mei 2010

Episode 25: Conflict resolution, mentoring by Barbara Davis

This is the first part of a my interview with Barbara Davis at http://www.e2consultinginc.com/

Time / Topic
01:04 Introducing my guest
03:25 Where did your BA career start?
05:15 Introducing conflict resolution in project teams
06:45 The meaning of assertiveness
07:19 Learning to say no to stakeholders
07:50 Requirements management in a 2-man company vs big corporate environment.
08:21 Organizing and structuring requirements on your network hard disk
11:00 Managing that "5,000 page requirements document"? You must be kiddin' me.
11:40 Enlightening realizations in your career
13:05 Horrible happenings is learning experiences
14:00 Asking for feedback from your team
14:50 Who was your BA mentor?
16:10 gaining a head start from a mentor
17:10 Don’t recruit fractures from college
18:15 Sharing experiences, helping one another. There's plenty for everyone!
19:00 Learning how to contribute back
19:40 How do you pick your mentor?
20:45 Advice on networking with previous mentors
22:10 University course for BAs
22:40 BA's struggles without CRRSP!

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CONTACT Barbara: http://www.e2consultinginc.com
CONTACT The Business Analyst Podcast: thebapodcast@gmail.com

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Duration: 32mins 01 seconds
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